We're pleased to announce the release of CS SDrv, the SD slot power driver for PalmOS. This app starts life with a specific purpose - to make the amazing Spectec SDG-812 SD-slot GPS receiver Palm compatible. Check it out here and see for yourself just how small a GPS can be!
"I don't think you'll find anything that'll do the job better than Conklin System's CSOnline."
Check out the in-depth review of CS Online from TreoCentral, one of the top Palm sites. We took the feedback to heart and made an alternate ANSI-BBS character set version available here for BBS and PC online application users.

CS Fax, the only standalone Fax solution for PalmOS, is now available. You can now receive a fax, sign it, and fax it back, all from your Treo smartphone or PalmOS handheld with modem! See the CS Fax product page for full details and a list of supported devices.
The Open Beta for CS Fax 3.1.0 has begun. 3.1.0 adds VFS support and generates standard TIFF files, allowing you to use faxes from CS Fax on your PC and import/export faxes to your email client as well. Click here for more information.
CS Online was covered in the New Products section of the Nuts & Volts magazine, the leading monthly of hands-on Electronics. Check with your local newstand/bookstore. Highly recommended!
CS Online, the Serial Data Power Tool™ version 2.2.0 has been released! Release 2.2.0 features dramatic improvements
in emulation, vibrant color and new logging and highlighting that make
data recording and analysis easier than ever.
More than just a great emulator, CS Online is a powerful tool for industrial and scientific applications. Get CS Online and lose the laptop! Learn more about it out here.
CS Online 2.2.0 is a free upgrade to registered users of CS Online.
An open beta/engineering release of CS Online is now available. The engineering release incorporates a number of fixes slated for the next release of CS Online. If you'd like to try them, click here for more information.
Palm/Pilot Was Here, our long-running documentary of the amazing adventures people have taken their Palm-powered handhelds on, is still running strong. If you're looking for the wildest places on (and off) the planet you can take your handheld, just click on the Palm/Pilot Was Here logo on the left!
Conklin Systems quick fix for the battery drain problems experienced by older model Palm/Pilots while sitting in the cradle is still available as well. As later Palm-powered units do not have a problem with cradle drain, please note the list of affected devices. At this point most of these units are no longer being used.