Michigan Suibukan - Terms Used in the Dojo
Numbers |
Blocks |
Kicks |
Punches |
1 |
Ichi |
2 |
Ni |
3 |
San |
4 |
Shi |
5 |
Go |
6 |
Roku |
7 |
Shichi |
8 |
Hachi |
9 |
Ku |
10 |
Ju |
Gedan Barai Uke |
Low Block |
Age Uke
Jodan Uke |
Rising Block
High Block |
Ude Uke |
Middle Block |
Shotei Uke |
Palm heel block |
Stances |
Neko ashi dachi |
Cat Stance |
Zenkutsu dachi |
Front Stance |
Kiba dachi |
Horse Stance |
Kokutsu dachi |
Back Stance |
Mae Geri |
Front Kick |
Yoko Geri |
Side Kick |
Mawashi Geri |
Round Kick |
Ushiro Geri |
Back kick |
Mikazuke Geri |
Crescent Kick |
Ashi Barai |
Foot sweep |
Fumikomi Geri |
Stamping Kick |
Hiza Geri |
Knee Kick |
Kanketsu Geri |
Stamping kick, joint kick |
Mae Tobi Geri |
Jumping front kick |
Yoko Geri Keage |
Side Snap Kick |
Yoko Geri Kekomi |
Side Thrust Kick |
Yoko Tobi Geri |
Jumping Side Thrust Kick |
Shuto (uke) |
Knife hand |
Oi zuki |
Middle Punch |
Age zuki |
High Punch |
Gyaku zuki |
Reverse Punch |
Empi |
Elbow Strike |
Haito Uchi |
Ridge hand strike |
Hiji Uchi |
Elbow strike |
Kagi zuki |
Hook punch |
Kizami zuki |
Leading punch or jab |
Mawashi zuki |
Round hook punch |
Nihon zuki |
Double punch |
Seiken zuki |
Fore fist strike |
Shotei zuki |
Palm Heel thrust |
Uraken Uchi |
Back fist strike |
Commands & Basic Dojo Terms |
General Terminology |
General Terminology (cont.) |
Kiensike |
Attention |
Hajime |
Begin |
Rei |
Bow |
Yame |
Stop |
Seiza |
Kneeling position |
Sensei ni rei |
Bow to Teacher |
Rei |
Bow |
Mokusho |
Quiet Thought, Meditate |
Mawatte |
Turn Around |
Shomen |
Front of Dojo |
Shomen ni rei |
Bow to the front |
Hidari |
Left |
Kamae |
Ready Position |
Migi |
Right |
Yoi |
Ready |
Budo |
Martial way |
Bugei |
Martial arts |
Bunkai |
Applications of kata movements |
Bushi |
Warrior |
Bushido |
Way of the warrior |
Do |
Way or path |
Eku |
An Oar |
Gi |
Uniform |
Ippon Kumite |
One step sparring |
Kama |
Grass sickle (an Okinawan weapon) |
Karate |
Open Hand, empty hand |
Karate do |
The way of karate |
Karate ka |
Karate practicioner |
Kiai |
"Spirit meeting" - a loud yell or
shout |
Kyusho |
Vital point |
Makiwara |
Punching post |
Meijin |
Expert |
Obi |
Belt |
Nunchaku |
An Okinawan weapon - two 1 foot lengths of
wood hinged together by a cord. |
Sai |
A steel pronged truncheon |
Shihan |
Master (can be 5th dan and above) |
Tamashiwari |
To test and to break |
Teisho |
Palm heel |
Tonfa |
On Okinawan weapon, similar to a sidearm used
by the Police |
Waza |
Techniques |
This document was originally developed by Terence Conklin, referencing a variety of sources.
There were in several cases multiple spellings given for the same Japanese words. As such, the
Japanese presented is only for the purposes of 'sounds like,' and meant to hopefully most closely
approximate what you will hear in the dojo, as spelled by a North American English speaker.
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