What versions of Palm OS are supported?
CS Online works on any Palm OS device from any manufacturer running Palm
OS 3.5 or later. Units as early as OS 2.0 may work, but are not officially supported.

Where is the Option/Menu button on my Treo or Palm device?
The Menu pulldown is a key on keyboard units (Treos, Tungsten C, etc) and at the bottom
of the screen on Graffiti based units. On the Treo 650, the key up and to the right of the
5-way navigation button is the Menu key. On Tungsten C's, press the blue shift key + the
key right of the space bar.
On handwriting units, it's usually in the lower left and has
an icon that looks like a menu being pulled down, though it's hard
to recognize. On units with a dynamic/collapsible input area
(T3, T5, T|X), it's one of the mini-icons at the very bottom of the
screen, typically the 3rd one from the left.
(For further details on using menus and PalmOS in general,
please consult the user guide that accompanied your PalmOS device.)

Can I connect to an external modem?
Can I connect to the serial port of a router?
Can I connect via Bluetooth?
To use your handheld with a serial device, you will need an approriate serial
cable. There are a number of different sources for cables on the Internet, including:
Older Palm-powered model
cradles also plugged into a serial port. You can
use these as well, but you will also need a null-modem adapter.
On handhelds that have Bluetooth support, another option is a Bluetooth-to-serial adapter.
They're extremely convenient for many applications, but often have to be programmed for
specific settings and so can be les flexible than a cable. Check out
Socket or
Aircable for
a particularly Palm-friendly adapter.

I connected to my router with a HotSync cable and gender changer, but it
doesn't work. Why?
For most routers you need to use the "modem cable". (See above).
You can also use a "null modem adaptor" with the HotSync cable,
effectively turning it into a "modem cable".
This is important because the HotSync and Modem cables are each wired
differently and are not interchangeable.

What sort of cables can I use?
For most applications, you need a modem cable or a null modem adaptor
combined with a cradle or HotSync cable.
There are some excellent graphics that show the pinouts for HotSync and
modem cables at the Palm DevZone. It contains pinouts and various info
on serial cables. Includes modem, null-modem, pilot-modem cable pinouts,
signals and pinouts table. (TealInfo required)

I have a Palm V - what kind of serial/null modem cable do I need
You can either purchase a serial cable, or you can always use the cable
from the travel kit, or the cradle itself, in combination with a null
modem adaptor. This gets you the same thing as a modem cable.

Is the Palm clip-on modem supported?
Of course! As well as all clip-on modems that have a serial interface
(such as the "snap-on" GSM modem from Option International).

I have a Handspring Visor - what kind of cable do I need?
The Visor HotSync port is not a full serial port - it does not support
hardware handshake, nor does it provide the proper signal levels for many
RS232 devices and is not buffered, so you should not attempt to make your
own serial cable unless you understand the issues involved - some older
devices with higher signal levels could potentially damage the Visor if
directly connected. (for the technical: the voltage levels are TTL, not
However, the Visor serial cradle (about $20 from Handspring) contains
the circuitry needed to present a proper RS232 connection and can be used
alone or in conjunction with a null modem cable to connect to some RS232

Can I use the wireless modem of the Handspring Treo?
Yes, pick "wireless modem" as the port, and use "19200"
or "57600" as the baud rate and "8N1" for the data
settings. You will need to send the command "at+cbst=0,0,1;"
before sending the command to dial the remote system (ie, "atdt5551212").
Failure to send the init string will result in an error message of "NO
Note that because of this you will be unable to connect via the wireless
modem to systems that require a very low speeds (such as 300) or data
settings (such as 7E1).

Can I use the wireless modem of the Samsung i330
It appears from our communications with Samsung that third parties cannot
use the built in modem. Until Samsung changes this, CS Online cannot communicate
with the built in modem. However, you can still use the telnet mode of
CS Online with this device.

Can I use the wireless modem of the Kyocera 6035,
Samsung I300 or Sprint Digital Link?
Yes, pick "wireless" as the port (6035), "Data On Air"
(Samsung), and use "19200" as the baud rate and "8N1"
for the data settings. These wireless CDMA modems will fail to respond
at other rates or data settings.

Can I use the wireless modem of the Kyocera 7135?
While we have not tested it, you should be able to as long as you use
"115200" as the baud rate and "8N1" for the data settings.
This wireless CDMA modem will fail to respond at other rates or data settings.
Note that because of this you will be unable to connect via the wireless
modem to systems that require a different speed (such as 300) or data
settings (such as 7E1).

Can I use the serial cradle/port of the Kyocera 6035?
Yes, select the port named "" (this is not a typo - the port
has no name) to select the HotSync serial cradle/cable port.

Do you know of a device I can connect to serial devices that will let me
talk to them via IR? For example, plug an IR adapter into the console
port of a router and then configure the router with CS Online over IR.

The IRDA (infrared) connection method doesn't seem to work for me. Why?
IRComm should work (pick "Serial" for method and "IRComm"
or "Infrared" as the port), but the new "IRDA" mode
(serial IR, aka RAW IR, or plain IRDA) does not work on devices with OS
3.3 thru 4.0 due to a bug in the OS related to the new serial manager
introduced with Palm OS 3.3. Palm is aware of this bug, and has fixed
it (supposedly) but it won't appear until whatever the next release of
Palm OS after 4.0. If you want to use IRDA mode in CS Online, you'll need
a Palm OS device with OS 3.1 or earlier (such as Visor Deluxe, Palm V
with OS 3.1, etc).

I am using the Handpring Serial Cradle and get error 774, Timeouts, etc.
Most likely the device you are connecting to does not provide power via
the DTR line. The Handspring serial cradle will not work unless it can
draw power from the DTR line. This problem is most common with mobile
devices (GPS, mobile phones) as well as devices that only provide a '3
wire' interface (transmit, receive, ground) and omit the DTR line.
When you order a cable, specifically select one that is designed to
provide power.

How can I use an IR modem or phone and my Handspring Visor?
If using a newer Visor with OS 3.5 or later, just select "IRComm"
from the port menu.
Older Visors run OS 3.1, which does not (directly) support IRComm. However
you CAN use IRlink 1.5 software from IS/Complete. This software adds what
is needed to your Visor (or other pre OS 3.3 PalmOS devices) so that it
can work with IR enhanced modems such as the Ericsson Di27 and phones
such as the Ericsson 888.

Is it possible to prevent the PalmOS device from going to sleep?
CS Online resets the "auto-off" timer every time a character is
sent or received. This should only be a problem if you want the connection
to stay open, yet no data is exchanged for several minutes. If this is
a problem, increase the auto-off time in the system preferences. If an
extremely long time is needed, there is a utility available on PalmGear
that can set your auto-off time to any value up to 999 minutes!
You may also want to consider a Palm OS device that has the ability to
"stay awake in cradle" while it is charging. Examples of such
devices are the Palm V series, Palm m50x series, Visor Prism, Sony CLIE,

Can I use a Palm VII to connect using the radio modem of the Palm VII?
The Palm.net service has been shut down and is no longer available.

What characters can I send?
You can send any character that you can generate via graffiti, graffiti
shortcut, or pop-up keyboard. Additionally, you can create macros that
do the same, as well as contain shortcuts for sending control characters,
escape, tab, etc. You can also send any desired hex value via as a special
sequence entered via the input buffer, a macro or a memo pad record.

Can I send VT320/VT420/PF or other special keys?
Yes. We have the VT100 special keys in the keys menu, however you can
define a macro or button to send any sequence of characters in the full
ASCII range (0-255). For example, the VT420 code for F9 is escape, and
then '[20~'. As a macro, that would look like '\e[20~'.
An excellent source of codes for the entire VT series can be found at

Can I send a 'break' signal?
Yes. Just select Break from the Keys menu.
Important: Note that not all modems support sending 'break'. In particular,
we know of no mobile phone that can send a 'break' signal. For best results,
make a direct serial connection, or use a clip-on or external modem connected
to a land line.

My system recognizes a break when sent via a direct connection or via
an external modem, but not via my Palm V modem. Why?
The Palm V modem seems to send a 'pulsed break'. That is, rather than
sending a continous break signal for the whole 500ms, it sends 2 shorter
signals. This may or may not work with all systems. Try adjusting the
remote system if possible, or use a different (external) modem.

Can I use online with an external keyboard?
That depends. All keyboards have to communicate with the handheld via some
channel, be it the serial port, IR or Bluetooth, so that port will potentially
be unavailable for communications. In the case of an IR keyboard, for example,
you wont be able to use an IR keyboard and communicate with an IR-based device
at the same time.

I am having a hard time connecting to a system that I can connect to from
my laptop. Any ideas?
We often find that the problem here is using the "dial" command
of CS Online. "Dial" uses the PalmOS to initialize and send commands
to dial to the modem, and sometimes the desired results are not acheived.
Instead just talk directly to the modem with AT commands. ie, instead
of picking "dial" and then entering "555-1212", try
tapping the "On" button to open a connection to the modem, and
then enter "ATDT 5551212" followed by a return to dial the modem
yourself. This often works in cases where the "dial" menu option
does not.

When I send a return via grafitti, my Unix system interprets that as a
control-C. What could be going wrong?
Assuming that your 'return' setting is correct (see 'Communications' under
the 'Options' menu), a common mistake is to be sending the grafitti stroke
for 'delete' (which unix interprets as an 'interrupt' character by default),
when you meant to send 'return'. Return is a stroke from the top-right
to the bottom-left. Delete is a stroke from left to right. It can be easy
to confuse them.

Does CS Online support file transfer?
CS Online can send files to and from VFS storage (the memory card)
via Xmodem, Xmodem-1K and Ymodem.

How much data can I save using the 'Log to Memo Pad' feature?
Memo Pad records are limited to 4K, however CS Online will automatically
create new records as needed, so you save a great deal of information
via multiple Memo Pad records. Registered versions can also save to Doc
format, and write a file to a storage card (such as Compact Flash or SD.)
Large logs spanning many Memo Pad entries can be cumbersome, however, so
we recommend using Doc or VFS file mode in those situations.

How can I increase the rate at which CS Online handles incoming data?
Data handling has been increased significantly in version 1.1, and again
in 1.4. Regardless of what version you are using, the two largest factors
in speed are: 1) Is logging on and 2) Is emulation on. For the fastest
display, turn both of these features off. If you wish to log data and
know that you won't be receiving VT100 commands, go ahead and set emulation
to TTY and 'display follows cursor' to off. This can help quite a bit.

The device I am sending to can't keep up. How can I slow down the rate
at which CS Online sends data?
Try either using a lower baud rate, or select a delay value (the number
of system ticks to pause between sending each character) in the Terminal
Options dialog. You can try checking the '32K communications buffer'
option for very high speed applications.

I can't seem to connect to any systems (such as Compuserve) at 7E1 using
the Card Access Thincom Springboard modem. Why?
You need to update the firmware on your modem. Click here to visit the
Card Access web site and download the latest software.

I can't seem to connect at 300 baud using my IIIc/Vx, etc. Why?
There appears to be a bug in PalmOS related to using 300 baud on devices
with a 20Mhz processor. The bug has been discussed in developer mailing
lists and reported to Palm. In the meantime, end users have reported being
able to work around this problem by using a utility such as "AfterBurner"
to reduce CPU speed to 16MHz.

Can I use CS Online with a modem in TTY mode to communicate with a deaf person
using a TDD?
In short, no. "TTY", short for "Teletype" is not the
same as "TDD" (telecom device for the deaf).
Neither PalmOS nor CS Online have any *special* support for talking to a
TDD using TDD standards. A TDD does not use the same standards as RS232
communications. It is at a different rate, different settings (5 data
bits!) and uses BAUDOT instead of ASCII for the text encoding. That being
said, some TDD devices can talk to a standard modem using ASCII at 300
baud, and we have been told (though never seen one!) that there exist
modems that can do the conversion the other way (so that you talk to the
modem in ASCII, and it talks to the TDD in BAUDOT).

Can I use CS Online with my Samsung i330?
You can use CS Online with the Samsung i330 only for telnet connections and
connections over the serial port, but cannot use it to the Data On The
Air port.
It appears from our communications with Samsung that third parties cannot
use the built in modem. Until Samsung changes this, CS Online cannot communicate
with the built in modem.