Michigan Suibukan - Shorin-Ryu, Kobudo and Suikendo

The Library

The following are materials owned by people in the dojo who graciously make them available to borrow. Note that not all the material is appropriate for all levels of students. I.E. If you're a white belt, you really don't need to read 'Dynamic Nunchaku' unless you have a penchant for nasty bruises. Just ask the owner if you can borrow it, and they'll know what's appropriate.
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Media  Title Author/
Owner Comments Currently with
BOOK Sword and Brush Dave Lowry Jeff Sipe
Persimmon Wind Dave Lowry Jeff Sipe
Moving Toward Stillness Dave Lowry Jeff Sipe Highly recommended
Okinawan Karate Mark Bishop Jeff Sipe
Zen Kobudo Mark Bishop Jeff Sipe
The Book of Five Rings Miyamoto Musashi Jeff Sipe In that same book is The book of family traditions on the art of war
Book of Five Rings Steve Kaufman Jeff Sipe
Ryu-Te No Michi The Way of Ryukyu Hands Taika Seiyu Oyata Jeff Sipe
The Zen Way to the Martial Arts Taisen Deshimaru Jeff Sipe
Called Out James Ninios Terence Conklin Religious book by old partner of M. Yamashita. Has interesting history of their early days in beginning Amy
High Risk: Everyone Needs to Know Jim Martin Terence Conklin A SWAT team tactics book by our man Jim Martin, previously serving w/the U.N. forces in Timor, currently in Iraq
Martial Arts Weapon Demonstrations T. Yamashita Terence Conklin Adv. Weapons book Amy
Advanced Tonfa T. Yamashita Terence Conklin Adv. weapons book Amy
Complete History & Training Guide to Ninpo Ninjustsu T. Yamashita Terence Conklin Book is half varied weapons techniques, and half a history of actual Ninjas. Quite cool. Amy
Dynamic Nynchuku T. Yamashita Terence Conklin Adv. weapons book Amy

Media  Title Author/
Owner Comments Currently with
DVD Enter the Dragon Bruce Lee Terence Conklin M. Yamashita taught Bruce Lee the nunchaku for this picture, and has a cameo appearance in the film

Media  Title Author/
Owner Comments Currently with
VHS Sword of Heaven T. Yamashita Terence Conklin Shaky as a movie; good fights though